Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Regex in markup

Well, in an older post (the italian one only) i made intensive use of regex to retrive HTML tags text content. Well, now i want to give you a simple trick to do this in a more elegant way.
Be careful: this post doesn't want to explain regex at all!
We all know that a markup tag with a content look like <tag_name>content</tag_name>.
Well to retrive the content we only need to match everything between tag_name, we match it as:
"everything tat is not the character 'less than'".
So the regex look like: /<tag_name>([^<]+)<\/tag_name>/

here a php interactive session:

Interactive shell

php > $string = "<tag_name_one>http://tag_name_one.com</tag_name_one><tag_name_two>123 ## @ jhkasdfh</tag_name_two>";
php > $tag_name = "tag_name_one";
php > $result = array();
php > preg_match("/<$tag_name>([^<]+)<\/$tag_name>/", $string, $result);
php > print_r($result);
[0] => <tag_name_one>http://tag_name_one.com</tag_name_one>
[1] => http://tag_name_one.com
php > $tag_name = "tag_name_two";
php > preg_match("/<$tag_name>([^<]+)<\/$tag_name>/", $string, $result);
php > print_r($result);
[0] => <tag_name_two>123 ## @ jhkasdfh</tag_name_two>
[1] => 123 ## @ jhkasdfh

About duality

Find a place to die, find another way to fail, find another sin to do...
Find The place to live, find your own way to win, find another good thing to do...
That's about duality, that's about what i think about life, that's why.i.am.here.
Nothing is true nothing is false, it's just about duality, there's a thing and it's opposite, and the circle get close with the opposite thing inside it's opposite.
What is real and what is not, doesn't really care, what care is to choose your actions between your mind and your heart; don't let them haze your mind don't let them dirty your heart... Promise me, keep in mind.
What about you, what about me... nothing is safe now and nothing is lost at all.
Keep in mind: true false truelse falrue and so on and again...