If you try to install eclipse for c/cpp from mintInstall you will notice that it is an older version, which is not compatible with an interesting plugin:
NDS Managedbuilder.
So the way you have to follow is to download the latest eclipse version from the official site.
Well you love to do it all by shell, so open up your terminal, look on the web the download link and get it.
Now you need to extract it everywhere you want in your filesystem. I dowload it in my home folder and extract in /opt/
~ $ wget <link>
~ $ tar -C /opt/ -xvjf <archivename>
And about eclipse it's all. You can launch it from there or link it eveywhere you want.
the latest link is: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/SR1/eclipse-cpp-galileo-SR1-linux-gtk.tar.gz.
Now we will move on the devkitpro getting started web-site. There is deeply and clearely explained how to install the toolchain.
It's easy, just build the filesystem tree, download the libraries and extract in the right folder.
You can finde the wiki here: devkitARM.
Well it's time to install the eclipse plugin so move to NDS Managerbuilder, open eclipse
Help > Install New Software > click "Add" button > http://dev.snipah.com/nds/updater
follow the instruction, restart eclipse and you are ready to develop for Nintendo DS (c/cpp too) on eclipse in a linux enviorment!
[EDIT] Stay tuned, gonna look to add PAlib too ;)